Plague Doctors

With less than two months til Steampunk World’s Fair, I’ve decided to get serious about making something for my “Mini-mes”. Both of whom have declared they want a plague doctor outfit.  The robe, at least, should be fairly simple – a Star Wars Jedi-like costume pattern should do the trick.  Off to the fabric store went I, and returned home again with pattern, fabric, and thread.

Plague Doctors
Fabric, pattern, and design sketch for Plague Doctor outfits.

Am I cheating using a cheesy Halloween costume pattern? I prefer to think of it as being “efficient”. I’ll save the feats of engineering ingenuity for grown up fashions and accessories, and work smarter-not-harder for the clothes the children will grow out of in a year!

Only… it appears I have to engineer the pattern after all!  The “XS to XL” pattern – where the XS fits chest sizes 30″ – 32″ and I even measured my kids at the store to make sure XS would be close enough  – apparently went with one size fits all for the robe.

No XS option.  No XL option.  Not even an “adjust length here” mark!  Finished measurement around at chest? Sixty-four inches!!!  Twice as large around as the older child.

That sound you just heard? My head hitting the sewing desk.

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